Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Change Data Capture Introduction
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. PowerExchange Condense
  5. DB2 for i5/OS Change Data Capture
  6. Remote Logging of Data
  7. Introduction to Change Data Extraction
  8. Extracting Change Data
  9. Monitoring CDC Sessions
  10. Managing Change Data Extractions
  11. Tuning CDC Sessions
  12. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps

CDC Guide for i5/OS

CDC Guide for i5/OS

Condense Task and Condense Cycles

Condense Task and Condense Cycles

The Condense task performs a condense cycle at user-defined intervals to process DB2 for i5/OS changes.
The following events trigger a condense cycle:
  • PowerExchange Condense initialization.
  • A CONDENSE command is issued to PowerExchange Condense from the i5/OS system, or a pwxcmd condense command is issued to PowerExchange Condense from a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system.
During the condense cycle, the Condense task reads the data written to the journal receivers for the registered tables of interest since the last condense cycle. PowerExchange Condense determines the point in the change stream from which to begin reading data based on the sequence and restart tokens. PowerExchange Condense stores the change data in full or partial condense files.
When one of the following events occur, the condense cycle ends:
  • PowerExchange Condense reaches the end of log and the wait interval that is specified in the NO_DATA_WAIT2 parameter in the CFGCOND(CAPTPARM) member elapses without any data having been received.
  • If PowerExchange Condense runs in continuous mode, the interval between condense cycles that you specify in the NO_WAIT_DATA parameter of the CAPTPARM member elapses. This event causes the current condense cycle to end and another condense cycle to begin.
  • A condense file switch occurs based on the file switch parameters in the CAPTPARM member.
When the condense cycle ends, PowerExchange Condense closes the current condense file, takes a checkpoint, and issues a message that identifies the point in the change stream to which it processed changes. PowerExchange Condense uses the number of checkpoint files that you specify in the CHKPT_NUM parameter of the CAPTPARM member on a rotational basis.
PowerExchange Condense also stores information about the closed condense file in the Condense Control Table (CDCT). The CDCT includes an entry for each closed condense file, including the registration tag names, UOW start and end times, condense file type, and number or records. During extraction processing, the PowerExchange Listener reads the CDCT file to determine the closed condense file from which to extract change data.
You can define the retention period for the CDCT file and the condense files in the COND_CDCT_RET_P parameter in the CAPTPARM member. PowerExchange Condense deletes files older than this retention period at initialization, during a file switch, or at shutdown.
If a PowerExchange Condense job fails, an error message is written to the i5/OS console.


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