PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe
- PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe 10.4.0 HotFix 1
- All Products
| Description
| Reference
| Controls whether PowerExchange activates additional error routines to handle abends.
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| Specifies the block size that PowerExchange uses when dynamically allocating target data sets on z/OS if you do not provide a block size.
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| Specifies the CAPI parameters needed for the Log Read API (LRAPI) component of the PowerExchange Logger for z/OS.
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| Controls whether PowerExchange writes messages from TRACE statements to the MVS console for z/OS or to the QPRINT output for i5/OS, in addition to writing these messages to the PowerExchange message log file.
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| Specifies the node name of the PowerExchange Listener that acts as the server for access requests to the file that stores data maps.
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| Specifies the status, normal disposition, and abnormal disposition that PowerExchange uses when dynamically allocating new target data sets on z/OS, if no DISP is provided.
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| Specifies the suffix that PowerExchange uses to create the PowerExchange-specific resource profile that controls access to the DATAMAPS data set.
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| Controls how the PowerExchange Listener accesses the file that stores data maps.
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| Determines whether PowerExchange frees ECSA memory when data maps caching runs in multiple-jobs mode and no files exist with nonzero use counts in ECSA memory.
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| Enables PowerExchange data maps caching and configures the maximum size for the data maps cache in megabytes.
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| Determines whether PowerExchange runs data maps caching in multiple-jobs or single-job mode.
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| Specifies the major name for ENQ macros that PowerExchange issues to lock PowerExchange data sets and resources.
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| Controls whether PowerExchange uses a scope of SYSTEM or SYSTEMS for ENQ macros that it issues to lock PowerExchange data sets and resources.
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| Controls whether PowerExchange instructs dynamic allocation to use a LOCATE to get the most recent catalog information for generation data set allocation requests.
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| Specifies the job class that PowerExchange uses for CA IDMS/DB metadata and DB2 LOAD utility batch jobs.
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| Specifies the logical record length that PowerExchange uses when dynamically allocating target data sets on z/OS, if you do not provide LRECL information.
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| Specifies which DB2 for z/OS attachment facility PowerExchange uses for DB2 bulk data movement operations.
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| Defines information about netport jobs and associates the netport job with a specific listener port.
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| Controls whether the PowerExchange Listener uses its MVS Program Call (PC) services routine to acquire the authorization to access DBMS load libraries.
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| Specifies the RACF class name that PowerExchange uses when checking PowerExchange-specific resource profiles.
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| Specifies the record format that PowerExchange uses when dynamically allocating target data sets on z/OS, if you do not provide RECFM information.
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| Controls whether PowerExchange requests or does not request to release unused space for data sets that it dynamically allocates.
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| Specifies the units and the primary and secondary space values that PowerExchange uses when dynamically allocating target data sets on z/OS, if you do not provide SPACE information.
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| Specifies the name and programming language of a user exit program that PowerExchange calls each time the PowerExchange Listener starts or shuts down.
Use this statement to enable the PowerExchange Listener to decrypt an Adabas database that is encrypted with an Adabas cipher code.
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| Controls whether PowerExchange writes SMF statistics records for the PowerExchange Listener to SMF or to a file.
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| Specifies the time, in seconds, that a PowerExchange Listener waits to receive notification from a spawned batch job that it has started.
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| Defines the function name of the zIIP enclave for the PowerExchange Listener to the IBM Workload Manager.
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| Defines the subsystem name that identifies the PowerExchange Listener started task to the IBM Workload Manager when zIIP exploitation is enabled.
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| Defines the name that the IBM Workload Manager uses as the subsystem type for the enclave for zIIP.
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| Specifies whether TCP/IP ports on which the PowerExchange Listener listens are blocking or nonblocking.
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| Specifies the generic or esoteric unit name that PowerExchange uses when dynamically allocating target data sets on z/OS, if you do not provide UNIT information.
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| Controls whether PowerExchange uses zIIP for zIIP-enabled PowerExchange Listener functions.
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| Specifies the volume serial number that PowerExchange uses when dynamically allocating target data sets on z/OS, if you do not provide VOLSER information.
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| Defines the default transaction name for Workload Manager classification when zIIP exploitation is enabled.