Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Change Data Capture Introduction
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. PowerExchange Condense
  5. DB2 for i5/OS Change Data Capture
  6. Remote Logging of Data
  7. Introduction to Change Data Extraction
  8. Extracting Change Data
  9. Monitoring CDC Sessions
  10. Managing Change Data Extractions
  11. Tuning CDC Sessions
  12. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps

CDC Guide for i5/OS

CDC Guide for i5/OS

Changing Default Values for Session and Connection Attributes

Changing Default Values for Session and Connection Attributes

Some PowerCenter session and application connection attributes have default values that are appropriate only for bulk data movement operations. You must edit these attributes for CDC sessions.
The following table describes the session and connection attributes that you need to set for CDC, including the recommended values:
Attribute Name
Attribute Location
Recommended Value for CDC
Commit Type
Properties Tab for the session
Default value is
. If you accept the default, the PowerCenter Integration Service automatically overrides the default to use source-based commit processing.
However, you should change this attribute to
so that you can disable the
Commit On End Of File
Commit On End Of File
Properties Tab for the session
By default, this attribute is enabled. If you accept the default, the PowerCenter Integration Service commits the change data in the buffer to the targets when the session ends. The final commit occurs after the PWXPC CDC reader has committed all complete UOWs in the buffer, along with their restart tokens, to the targets. This timing can cause the restart tokens and target data to be out of sync. The final restart tokens might represent a point in the change stream that is earlier than final change data that the PowerCenter Integration Service commits to the targets. As a result, duplicate data might occur when the CDC session restarts.
To prevent potential duplicate data, disable this attribute.
Recovery Strategy
Properties Tab for the session
Resume from last checkpoint
Default value is
Fail task and continue workflow
. To properly restart CDC session, PowerExchange CDC and PWXPC require that this option is set to
Resume from last checkpoint
Stop on errors
Config Object Tab for the session
Default value is 0. By default, the PowerCenter Integration Service does not consider errors when writing to targets as fatal. The following types of error are non-fatal:
  • Key constraint violations
  • Loading nulls into a not null field
  • Database trigger responses
If write errors occur, change data loss might occur because PWXPC has advanced the restart tokens values. To maintain target data and restart token integrity, set this option to 1.
Application Name
Application Connection
Enter a unique name for each CDC session.
Default is the first 20 characters of the workFlow name.
Because the default might not result in a unique name, enter a unique name.
RestartToken File Folder
Application Connection
Default value
The default is $PMRootDir/Restart. This default is acceptable for CDC.
RestartToken File Name
Application Connection
Enter a unique name for each CDC session.
If you enter an
Application Name
value, the default is that application name.
If you do not enter an
Application Name
value, the default is the workflow name.
Because a default might not result in a unique name, enter a unique restart token file name.
Number of Runs to Keep RestartToken File
Application Connection
1 or greater
Default is 0. PWXPC keeps only one backup copy of the restart token initialization and termination files.
Enter a value greater than 0 to make history available for recovery purposes.


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