Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Change Data Capture Introduction
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. PowerExchange Condense
  5. DB2 for i5/OS Change Data Capture
  6. Remote Logging of Data
  7. Introduction to Change Data Extraction
  8. Extracting Change Data
  9. Monitoring CDC Sessions
  10. Managing Change Data Extractions
  11. Tuning CDC Sessions
  12. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps

CDC Guide for i5/OS

CDC Guide for i5/OS

PowerCenter Recovery Tables for Relational Targets

PowerCenter Recovery Tables for Relational Targets

When the PowerCenter Integration Service runs a CDC session that has a resume recovery strategy, it writes information to recovery tables on the target database system.
When the PowerCenter Integration Service recovers the session, it uses the information in the recovery tables to determine where to begin loading data to target tables. PWXPC also uses information in the recovery tables to determine where to begin reading the change stream.
If you want the PowerCenter Integration Service to create the recovery tables, grant table creation privileges to the database user name that is configured in the target database connection. Otherwise, you must create the recovery tables manually.
For relational targets, the PowerCenter Integration Service creates the following recovery tables in the target database:
Contains target load information for the session run. The PowerCenter Integration Service removes the information from this table after each successful session and initializes the information at the beginning of subsequent sessions.
Contains information the PowerCenter Integration Service uses to identify each target on the database. The information remains in the table between session runs. If you manually create this table, you must create a row and enter a value other than zero for LAST_TGT_RUN_ID to ensure that the session recovers successfully.
Contains state and restart information for CDC sessions. PWXPC stores the application name and restart information for all sources in the CDC session. The PowerCenter Integration Service stores any state information for the session. Unlike the session state information, restart information persists in this table across successful sessions. The PowerCenter Integration Service updates it with each commit to the target tables.
If you edit or drop the recovery tables before you recover a session, the PowerCenter Integration Service cannot recover the session. Also, PWXPC cannot restart the CDC session from the point of interruption.
If you disable recovery, the PowerCenter Integration Service does not remove the recovery information from the target database. Also, PWXPC no longer updates the restart information in the target database.


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