Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Change Data Capture Introduction
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. PowerExchange Condense
  5. DB2 for i5/OS Change Data Capture
  6. Remote Logging of Data
  7. Introduction to Change Data Extraction
  8. Extracting Change Data
  9. Monitoring CDC Sessions
  10. Managing Change Data Extractions
  11. Tuning CDC Sessions
  12. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps

CDC Guide for i5/OS

CDC Guide for i5/OS

Multithreaded Processing Statistics

Multithreaded Processing Statistics

If you use multithreaded processing, you can configure PowerExchange to issue messages that contain statistics on multithreaded extraction processing.
To issue these messages, you must specify the SHOW_THREAD_PERF statement in the DBMOVER configuration file on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine:
This statement specifies the number of records PowerExchange must process before writing statistics messages about multithreaded extraction processing to the PowerExchange message log file. For more information about this statement, see the
PowerExchange Reference Manual
If you select the
Retrieve PWX log entries
attribute on the application connection for the CDC session, PWXPC writes these messages in the session log. Also, you must specify 1 or greater for the
Worker Threads
attribute on the application connection to implement multithreaded processing so that statistics can be generated.
PowerExchange writes the following messages during each statistics interval:
  • PWX-31255. Cycle time, which is the total time that PowerExchange on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine spent processing the change data before passing it to PWXPC. This message includes the total percentage of time and average, minimum, and maximum times in microseconds.
  • PWX-31256. I/O time, which is the time that PowerExchange on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine spent reading change data from the PowerExchange Listener on the source system. This message includes the I/O percentage of the total time and average, minimum, and maximum times in microseconds.
  • PWX-31257. Parsing time, which is the time that PowerExchange on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine spent in column-level processing for the change records on all threads. This message includes the parsing percentage of the total time and average, minimum, and maximum times in microseconds.
  • PWX-31258. External time, which is the time that PowerExchange on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine spent combining the change records from all threads back into a single UOW to pass to PWXPC and for PWXPC to flush the data to PowerCenter. This message includes the external percentage of the total time and average, minimum, and maximum times in microseconds.
  • PWX-31259. Delay time, which is the time that the PowerExchange on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine waited to receive new change records to process from the PowerExchange Listener on the source system. This message includes the delay percentage of the total time and average, minimum, and maximum times in microseconds.
For example, if you specify SHOW_THREAD_PERF=10000, PowerExchange writes the following messages after reading 10,000 change records and reaching the next UOW boundary:
PWX-31254 PowerExchange threading stats for last 10000 rows. Cycle (array) size is 25 rows. 0 out of array occurred. PWX-31255 Cycle time: 100% (avg: 5709 min: 4741 max: 7996 usecs) PWX-31256 IO time: 4% (avg: 235 min: 51 max: 1021 usecs) PWX-31257 Parse time: 79% (avg: 4551 min: 4102 max: 5495 usecs) PWX-31258 Extern time: 20% (avg: 1145 min: 618 max: 3287 usecs) PWX-31259 Delay time: 0% (avg: 7 min: 4 max: 165 usecs) PWX-31254 PowerExchange threading stats for last 100000 rows. Cycle (array) size is 25 rows. 0 out of array occurred. PWX-31255 Cycle time: 99% (avg: 5706 min: 4735 max: 7790 usecs) PWX-31256 IO time: 4% (avg: 234 min: 51 max: 950 usecs) PWX-31257 Parse time: 79% (avg: 4549 min: 4108 max: 5425 usecs) PWX-31258 Extern time: 20% (avg: 1144 min: 616 max: 3242 usecs) PWX-31259 Delay time: 0% (avg: 7 min: 4 max: 115 usecs)
If the parsing and external processing times are greater than the I/O time, you can increase the number of threads for the CDC session to try to improve throughput.


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