The ODBASUPP statement controls whether PowerExchange can use the Open Database Access (ODBA) interface to access IMS databases and unload data sets for bulk data movement operations.
PowerExchange does not initialize the ODBA environment in the PowerExchange Listener address space. You must use DL/1 BATCH or BMP jobs to access IMS databases.
PowerExchange initializes the ODBA environment in the PowerExchange Listener address space. ODBA database queries run as PowerExchange Listener subtasks rather than as batch jobs.
Default is NO.
To use ODBA to access IMS databases, you must complete the following tasks:
Include the IMS RESLIB data set in either the STEPLIB DD concatenation of the PowerExchange Listener JCL or in the LNKLST concatenation.
Specify an IMS SSID in the IMSID statement in the DBMOVER member and in the data map. You can override this SSID for a database row test of a data map or when you run the PowerCenter bulk data movement session.
Specify a PSB name and PCB name in the data map. You can override these values for a database row test of a data map or when you run the PowerCenter bulk data movement session.