Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to PowerExchange
  3. DBMOVER Configuration File
  4. Netport Jobs
  5. PowerExchange Message Logs and Destination Overrides
  6. SMF Statistics Logging and Reporting
  7. PowerExchange Security
  8. Secure Sockets Layer Support
  9. PowerExchange Alternative Network Security
  10. PowerExchange Nonrelational SQL
  11. DTLDESCRIBE Metadata
  12. PowerExchange Globalization
  13. Using the PowerExchange ODBC Drivers
  14. PowerExchange Datatypes and Conversion Matrix
  15. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps
  16. Appendix B: PowerExchange Glossary

Authorization to Run pwxcmd Commands on z/OS

Authorization to Run pwxcmd Commands on z/OS

In addition to authenticating user credentials for pwxcmd program use, you can configure PowerExchange to authorize users to run specific pwxcmd commands.
On the system that is the target of pwxcmd commands, set the first parameter in the SECURITY statement to 2. Then, provide resource profiles on the target system to authorize users to run specific pwxcmd commands.
PowerExchange checks the resource profiles to determine whether the user ID supplied on the pwxcmd program is authorized to run commands.
In the resource profiles, the RACF class is either the default FACILITY class or the value specified in the RACF_CLASS parameter in the DBMOVER configuration file.
To authorize a user to issue pwxcmd commands, grant the user READ access to the appropriate resource profiles. Otherwise, access is denied.
The resource profile that controls access to pwxcmd commands has the following form:
The following table describes the variables in a resource profile for pwxcmd commands:
PowerExchange service type. Options are:
  • LISTENER. PowerExchange Listener.
  • CONDENSE. PowerExchange Condense.
The service name specified in the CMDNODE statement in the DBMOVER configuration file.
The pwxcmd command. You can issue the following PowerExchange Condense commands through the pwxcmd program:
  • condense
  • displaystatus
  • fileswitch
  • shutcond
  • shutdown
You can issue the following PowerExchange Listener commands through the pwxcmd program:
  • close
  • closeforce
  • listtask
  • stoptask
Define generic resource profiles to minimize the number of definitions.
For example, the following profile grants access to all PowerExchange Condense commands issued through the pwxcmd program:
The following profile grants access to all PowerExchange Condense commands issued through the pwxcmd program that specify the MY_COND service name:
To authenticate users to run pwxcmd commands, configure PowerExchange to check user credentials for the pwxcmd program.


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