Determines if the address validation process standardizes the data values in an undeliverable address. The property applies to address records that return a Match Code status in the range I1 through I4.
When you standardize the data, you increase the likelihood that a downstream data process returns accurate results. For example, a duplicate analysis mapping might return a higher match score for two address records that present common address elements in the same format.
Address validation can standardize the following address elements:
Street suffix elements, such as road and boulevard.
Predirectional and postdirectional elements, such as north, south, east, and west.
Delivery service elements, such as Post Office Box.
Sub-building elements, such as apartment, floor, and suite.
State or province names. Standardization returns the abbreviated forms of the names.
The following table describes the options on the property:
Address validation does not correct data errors. Default option.
Address validation corrects data errors.
Parameter Usage
You can assign a parameter to specify the standardization policy for data errors. Enter OFF or ON as the parameter value. Enter the value in uppercase.