You can create a duplicate data object in the repository and parameterize the properties for that physical data object. Define default values for the properties such as the connection, the resource name, the table owner, or the control file name.
You can create a duplicate data object for relational data objects and flat file data objects. You can create a duplicate data object in a reusable Lookup transformation and in a nonreusable Lookup transformation.
Create a duplicate data object in the Lookup transformation
Data Object
tab. You can create a duplicate object if you specify the data object as a value. When you create the duplicate data object, you replace the data object name in the Lookup transformation with the duplicate data object name. The Developer tool creates parameters for the data object properties. The Developer tool prompts you to enter default values for the parameters. The duplicate data object name syntax is:
<Original object name>_Param
The following image shows the
Parameterize Using New Data Object
button on the
Data Object
tab for relational and flat file data objects:
When you parameterize a data object by creating a duplicate data object, the Developer tool creates set of parameters for the data object. The Developer tool creates different parameters based on whether the data object is a flat file or a relational data object.
When you create the duplicate data object, configure the default parameter values on the
New Parameterized Data Object
dialog box.
The following image shows the
New Parameterized Data Object
for a relational data object:
You can change the name of the data object. Enter the parameter default values for the owner and the resource parameters.
If the original data object is parameterized, the Developer tool copies the parameters from the original data object to the duplicate data object. If an original property is not parameterized, the Developer tool creates a parameter for it in the duplicate data object. The Developer tool uses the original property value as the default parameter value in the duplicate data object. When the Developer tool cannot determine an original property value, the Developer tool creates a parameter with a default value based on the parameter type.
The following image show the
New Parameterized Data Object
dialog box for a flat file data object:
Configure default parameter values for the source file and the source file directory. If the flat file has a control file, configure the control file name and directory.
After you configure the default values, the Developer tool creates the duplicate data object. The duplicate data object name appears on the
Data Object
tab of the Lookup transformation. The duplicate data object appears in the
Object Navigator
To change the parameter values for the data object after you create it, open the physical data object in the