Running Jobs from an External Application Overview
Running Jobs from an External Application Overview
You can use external applications to run standalone jobs without logging in to Data Archive. The external application, such as a third-party scheduler, uses a Java API to run the standalone jobs.
You can use triggers from a third-party scheduler or a command line program to start, resume, or terminate jobs in Data Archive.
When you use a third-party scheduler, you formulate URLs that call Data Archive JavaServer Pages (JSPs) and insert the URLs in the external application. The URLs include job-specific parameters. When the external application runs the URL, the URL calls the Data Archive JSP. Data Archive uses the parameters from the formatted URL and immediately runs the job.
You can do the following tasks from outside the Data Archive:
Start, resume, or terminate most standalone jobs through the Job Handler JSP (
Update the retention policy for records in the Data Vault through the Run Update Retention JSP (
Archive data to the Data Vault or history database through the Run Definition JSP (
). If you archive data to the Data Vault and you require a staging schema, you must also call the Job Handler JSP to run the Data Vault Loader job.