Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Enterprise Data Manager
  3. Enterprise Data Manager
  4. ILM Repository Constraints
  5. Partition Exchange Purging
  6. APIs
  7. Salesforce Accelerator
  8. Appendix A: SAP Application Retirement Entities
  9. Appendix B: Import Formats for Constraints
  10. Appendix C: Glossary

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Script Template Parameters

Script Template Parameters

The Teradata Parallel Transporter script template includes default parameters. The archive or retirement job replaces the parameters at runtime when the job creates scripts for tables.
The default parameters are required. No additional configuration is needed. Optionally, you can add parameters to the script. For example, you may want to use a different login name. You can use any property from the Teradata source connection as a script parameter. To add a parameter, use the technical name from the AM_DATA_REP_ATTR table in the ILM repository.
The script template includes the following required parameters:
Table name that the job needs to export data from.
Job ID of the archive or retirement job. Teradata Parallel Transporter uses the job ID as part of the BCP file name.
BCP file staging directory in the Teradata source connection.
Host name in the Teradata source connection.
Maximum number of parallel sessions in the Teradata source connection.
Application login name in the Teradata source connection.
Password for the application login name in the Teradata source connection.
SQL select statement that the job creates to extract the data from Teradata.
Name of the BCP file that the Teradata Parallel Transporter creates. By default, the job uses the following convention to create BCP files:
<Job ID>_<Table Name>.bcp


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