Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Enterprise Data Manager
  3. Enterprise Data Manager
  4. ILM Repository Constraints
  5. Partition Exchange Purging
  6. APIs
  7. Salesforce Accelerator
  8. Appendix A: SAP Application Retirement Entities
  9. Appendix B: Import Formats for Constraints
  10. Appendix C: Glossary

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Enterprise Data Manager Guide



The following table describes the menu structure.
Menu Sequence
File > Connect to Repository
Create a connection profile or use an existing one with information such as database Driver, Host, Port, SID, User name, and Password (for Schema).
You can use this option to connect to a different Data Archive repository.
When you connect to Enterprise Data Manager from the
menu, this option is disabled.
File > Login
Provide the user name and password for logging in to Enterprise Data Manager.
File > Connect to ID Repository
Specify a connection profile for a database that stores sequences for unique IDs generated while creating nodes and subnodes in the application tree.
File > Save
Save changes to the Data Archive repository.
File > Import Metadata from Database
Integrate one or more tables from a schema into the metadata.
Before you import metadata from a database, verify the following requirements:
  • The user has the Import Metadata system-defined role.
  • The
    property in the
    file is set to Y.
For more information, see the
Data Archive Administrator Guide
File > Import
Import Data Model accelerators or Data Archive accelerators for standard or custom applications.
You can also use this option for bulk import of (primary and referential) integrity constraints and translation columns.
File > Export
Export Data Model accelerators or Data Archive accelerators for standard or custom applications.
File > Print
Print Diagram View (Canvas pane) of the selected entity.
File > Exit
Exit from Enterprise Data Manager.
View > Refresh
Refresh the information on the Enterprise Data Manager pane.
View > Zoom In
Magnify Entity illustration in the Canvas pane.
View > Zoom Out
Shrink Entity illustration in the Canvas pane.
View > Columns > All
View Entity tables with all columns and relationships.
View > Columns > Related
View entity tables with respective columns that participate in a relationship.
View > Columns > None
View table names, without columns.
View > Default Layout
Return to the default layout.
Help > About
Retrieve information about the current Enterprise Data Manager version and build.


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