Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Enterprise Data Manager
  3. Enterprise Data Manager
  4. ILM Repository Constraints
  5. Partition Exchange Purging
  6. APIs
  7. Salesforce Accelerator
  8. Appendix A: SAP Application Retirement Entities
  9. Appendix B: Import Formats for Constraints
  10. Appendix C: Glossary

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Logging in to Enterprise Data Manager

Logging in to Enterprise Data Manager

When you open Enterprise Data Manager, specify the URL and the login credentials for the Data Archive instance. Enterprise Data Manager uses the information to connect to Data Archive.
  1. On the
    Enterprise Data Manager Login
    window, enter the URL of the Data Archive instance with port number in the
    Use the following format:
    http://<DA instance>:<DA port>
    https://<DA instance>:<DA port>
    For https URLs, <DA instance> must match the Common Name (CN) on the keystore certificate.
    To check the CN in the correct keystore file, follow the path specified in the
    property in the
    For example:
  2. Enter your user name and password.
  3. Click
Enterprise Data Manager authorizes the user with a valid login profile for accessing the Enterprise Data Manager Server according to the roles granted by the administrator from the Data Archive user interface.
You must use the Data Archive Web user interface to create user accounts.
The following table shows user authorization information for each user role:
User Role
Server Viewer
View metadata in the Enterprise Data Manager.
Server Developer
Develop and view metadata for Enterprise Data Manager.


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