Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking Administration
  3. Authentication
  4. Security
  5. Connection Management
  6. JDBC Client Configuration
  7. ODBC Client Configuration
  8. Access Control
  9. Logs
  10. High Availability
  11. Server Control
  12. Performance Tuning
  13. Troubleshooting
  14. Appendix A: Database Keywords

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Configure WebLogic for Linux

Configure WebLogic for Linux

Complete the following steps to configure WebLogic for Linux:
  1. Copy the GenericJDBC.jar file. You can find the file in the following location:
    <Dynamic Data Masking installation>/Wrappers/jdbc/GenericJDBC.jar
  2. Save the GenericJDBC.jar file in the following location:
    For example, you might save the file in the following location:
  3. Find the file. You can find the file in the following directory:
    For example, the file might be in the following location:
  4. Save a backup of the startWebLogic.cmd file.
  5. Open the startWebLogic.cmd file in a text editor. To append the -javaagent argument to the Java command line, enter one of the following options below the comments section:
    • If you want to enable logging on the client machine, enter the following text:
      set JAVA_OPTIONS=% JAVA_OPTIONS % -DDDM_GENJDBC_LOG = <config file location and name> -javaagent:..\lib\GenericJDBC.jar=host:<ddm_host>,port:<ddm_generic_service_port>
    • If you do not want to enable logging on the client machine, enter the following text:
      set JAVA_OPTIONS=% JAVA_OPTIONS % -javaagent:..\lib\GenericJDBC.jar=host:<ddm_host>,port:<ddm_generic_service_port>
  6. To set the classpath, add the following line after the classpath lines and before the echo statements:
    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;..\lib\GenericJDBC.jar; ..\lib\informatica-jdbc-db2-5.1.2.HF1.jar;<additional drivers>
  7. Save startWebLogic.cmd.


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