Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking Administration
  3. Authentication
  4. Security
  5. Connection Management
  6. JDBC Client Configuration
  7. ODBC Client Configuration
  8. Access Control
  9. Logs
  10. High Availability
  11. Server Control
  12. Performance Tuning
  13. Troubleshooting
  14. Appendix A: Database Keywords

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Server Control Overview

Server Control Overview

The Dynamic Data Masking Server Control program is a command line interface that you use to manage Dynamic Data Masking Servers and services. Server Control reads administrative requests and writes the results of the requests to the standard system output and error streams.
Server Control has a set of commands that simplify management and configuration of local and remote Dynamic Data Masking Servers. Server Control is installed with the Dynamic Data Masking Server. Run Server Control on the machine where you installed the Dynamic Data Masking Server.
You can run the following types of commands from Server Control:
commands to configure the local Dynamic Data Masking Server and Dynamic Data Masking services. For example, you can start and stop the Dynamic Data Masking Server and services, set the Dynamic Data Masking listener port, and view the Dynamic Data Masking Server version.
You can run the equivalents of the following Server Control server commands from shell scripts:
  • start
  • stop
  • restart
  • startDDMService
  • stopDDMService
  • restartDDMService
  • status
server config
server config
commands to perform configuration tasks on local and remote Dynamic Data Masking Servers. For example, you can set Dynamic Data Masking database passwords, synchronize Dynamic Data Masking Server configurations, and export and import security rule sets and Dynamic Data Masking databases.
server service
server service
commands to manage Dynamic Data Masking services. For example, you can import and export Dynamic Data Masking services.
Server Control stores information in the file. You must not modify the file.


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