Dynamic Data Masking
- Dynamic Data Masking 9.9.1
- All Products
| -data
| -path
| -type
| -url
| Description
| -
| Optional
| -
| Required
| Connects to ZooKeeper using the URL.
If you specify the path, ZooKeeper treats it as the root directory. Nodes above this root will not be available for this connection.
| Optional
| Required
| Optional
| -
| Creates a new node.
If you do not specify the data parameter, the default value is null.
If you do not specify type, the default value is PERSISTENT.
You can specify one of the following types:
| -
| Required
| -
| -
| Deletes the parent node and children nodes recursively.
| -
| -
| -
| -
| Disconnects from ZooKeeper and deletes the ephemeral nodes.
| -
| Required
| Optional
| -
| Prints data from the specified path.
If you do not specify type, the default value is String.
You can specify one of the following types:
| -
| Optional
| -
| -
| Lists all nodes recursively.
If you do not specify path, the default value is
/ .
| Optional
| Required
| -
| -
| Updates the existing node in the specified path.
server zookeeper [create | update | delete | get | list | connect | disconnect] -path <path> -data <data> -type <type> -url <url>
server zookeeper connect -url <url of the zookeeper ensemble> -targets user/password@host:port[;SSL];
server zookeeper create -path <path> -targets user/password@host:port[;SSL]