Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking Administration
  3. Authentication
  4. Security
  5. Connection Management
  6. JDBC Client Configuration
  7. ODBC Client Configuration
  8. Configuration for MicroStrategy
  9. Access Control
  10. Logs
  11. High Availability
  12. Server Control
  13. Performance Tuning
  14. Troubleshooting
  15. Appendix A: Database Keywords

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Protocols and Ciphers Suites

Protocols and Ciphers Suites

To improve network security in Dynamic Data Masking, you can set stronger security protocols and cipher suites in the
file. Stronger security protocols might help prevent multiple types of malicious attacks, such as a man-in-the-middle attack. You can define global settings for protocols and cipher suites, or you can configure protocols and ciphers that map to a specific Dynamic Data Masking host and port.

Global Configuration

You can define protocols and ciphers as global settings that apply to all SSL ports in Dynamic Data Masking. The following image shows an example configuration in the
file for:
  • TLSv1.2 communication between clients and Dynamic Data Masking, and communication between Dynamic Data Masking and databases
  • Specification of two cipher suites for message encryption
In this example you have manually disabled the TLSv1.1 protocol, because TLSv1.1 does not support the specified ciphers suites. Otherwise, Dynamic Data Masking disables protocols that do not support any of the listed ciphers.
When you start Dynamic Data Masking, it logs a warning about unsupported protocols and automatically disabled protocols. To print a list of global protocols and cipher suites that Dynamic Data Masking uses at run-time, run the following server network commands:
  • server network protocols
  • server network ciphers
To print a list of all available protocols and cipher suites enabled in the Java Virtual Machine on which Dynamic Data Masking runs, run the following server network commands:
  • server network protocols available
  • server network ciphers available
The protocols and ciphers that you configure must be a subset of the available protocols and ciphers.
If a database client does not support protocols and ciphers that you configure in the
file, the client cannot connect to Dynamic Data Masking or any databases through Dynamic Data Masking. In this case, you must configure the client software with the appropriate protocols and ciphers.

Port Configuration

You can configure an advanced port strategy that maps SSL-enabled host and port values to an alias in Dynamic Data Masking, in addition to optional security protocol and cipher suites. Configuring a port strategy gives you the ability to fine-tune network security with the clients that request a connection to specific SSL-enabled ports in Dynamic Data Masking. The port strategy might disable protocols that do not support any of the specified cipher suites.
The following image shows an example of advanced port configuration in the
In this example, TLSv1.2 communication is allowed only on the port 1535, and two cipher suites are defined.
You can configure as many strategies as required in the
file. However, do not specify each host and port more than once. Dynamic Data Masking uses the first found entry with a matching [host:]port entry to configure the SSL port and find the matching signed certificate to perform the SSL handshake with the client.
Protocols and cipher suites defined in an advanced port strategy might override any global settings. The following table shows example configuration settings and the corresponding run-time behavior:
Configured Protocols
Runtime Protocols
Strategy on Port 1535
Port to Communicate With
Port to Communicate With
Client (1535)
TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1
TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1
Not set
TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1
TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1
Not set
TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1
all protocols
Not set
Not set
all protocols
all protocols
To print a list of configured protocols and cipher suites for a specific SSL host and port, run the following server network commands:
  • server network protocols [host:]port
  • server network ciphers [host:]port
For example:
server network protocols server network ciphers 1535


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