Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking Administration
  3. Authentication
  4. Security
  5. Connection Management
  6. JDBC Client Configuration
  7. ODBC Client Configuration
  8. Configuration for MicroStrategy
  9. Access Control
  10. Logs
  11. High Availability
  12. Server Control
  13. Performance Tuning
  14. Troubleshooting
  15. Appendix A: Database Keywords

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Set the Parameters

Set the Parameters

You can set the log level, log file location, log file size, number of log files in the file.
The file contains the following properties:
Specifies the rolling file appender type. Not modifiable.
Default value: org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
Specifies that the rolling file appender uses a pattern layout. Not modifiable.
Default value: org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
Specifies the logging format for the file appender. Not modifiable.
Default value: =%d{MM/dd HH\:mm\:ss,SSS} %-10X{processID} %-10t %X{app}(%F:%L) %-5p - %m%n
Specifies the log level and the appender for the root logger. Do not change the file appender name.
You can specify the following log levels:
  • INFO. Provides information about the normal behavior of the Dynamic Data Masking Server. Information logs can include information about when a service starts or stops and when a user logs in or if the login fails.
  • DEBUG. Provides information for debugging issues, such as client connection details to the database and the Dynamic Data Masking Server, connection rule results, and original and modified requests to the database.
  • OFF. Turns off logging.
Default value: INFO, ddmGenODBCFileAppender
Example value: DEBUG, ddmGenODBCFileAppender
Specifies the file name and path of the log file. Modifiable.
Default value: <Folder path>\\<File name prefix>-${processID}.log
Example value: C:\\Drive\\Work\\Log4cxx\\Aquadata-${processID}.log
When you enter the path, you must include the -${processID}.log text after the file name. In the example above, the file name is Aquadata.
Specifies the maximum size of the log file before the logger creates a new file. Modifiable.
Default value: <Max log file size ex: 500KB, 20MB etc>
Example value: 500KB
The number of backup files the appender creates before it overwrites the oldest file.
Example value: 20


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