Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to TDM Administration
  3. User and Role Administration
  4. Security Administration
  5. System Preferences
  6. TDM Server Administration
  7. Connections
  8. Pass Phrases
  9. Global Parameters
  10. Dictionaries
  11. User-Defined Datatypes

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

TDM Tools

TDM Tools

TDM tools consist of Test Data Manager, Informatica Developer, Informatica Administrator, and the PowerCenter Client.
You can use the following tools to perform administrative tasks for TDM:
Test Data Manager
A web-based application that you can use to create connections, integrate a test tool with TDM, and manage preferences and dictionaries.
Informatica Developer
A client application that you use to create and export profiles for data discovery.
Informatica Administrator
A web-based client that a domain administrator uses to manage application services and create users and user groups.
PowerCenter Client
A client application that you use to configure permissions on folders and connection objects for the PowerCenter repository.


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