Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Amazon Redshift connectors
  3. Part 2: Data Integration with Amazon Redshift V2 Connector
  4. Part 3: Data Integration with Amazon Redshift Connector

Amazon Redshift Connectors

Amazon Redshift Connectors

Sorter transformation

Sorter transformation

You can configure full
SQL ELT optimization
to push a Sorter transformation to process in Amazon Redshift.
When you configure a Sorter transformation, only the following sorter advanced properties are applicable:
  • Distinct. You can remove the duplicate rows and create a distinct query.
  • Null Treated Low. You can sort the columns in a query based on the columns having null values. You can sort the columns only in a query. The sort order is not honored on the Redshift target.


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