Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Amazon Redshift connectors
  3. Part 2: Data Integration with Amazon Redshift V2 Connector
  4. Part 3: Data Integration with Amazon Redshift Connector

Amazon Redshift Connectors

Amazon Redshift Connectors

Rules and guidelines for configuring lookup transformations

Rules and guidelines for configuring lookup transformations

Consider the following rules and guidelines when you configure an Amazon Redshift lookup transformation:
  • You cannot use unconnected lookups for mappings in advanced mode.
  • You cannot configure a dynamic lookup cache for mappings in advanced mode.
  • A Lookup transformation with the
    On Multiple Matches
    property configured as
    Report Error
    , runs successfully without displaying an error message for mappings in advanced mode.
  • You cannot use the SQL query property for uncached lookups.
  • To use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators in an uncached lookup, you need to set the -DENABLE_NULL_FLAG_FOR_UNCACHED_LOOKUP=true property as a JVM option under the DTM type in the Secure Agent properties. You can use only the = and != operators. The task fails if you use any other operator.


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