Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Amazon Redshift connectors
  3. Part 2: Data Integration with Amazon Redshift V2 Connector
  4. Part 3: Data Integration with Amazon Redshift Connector

Amazon Redshift Connectors

Amazon Redshift Connectors

Rules and guidelines for Lookup transformation

Rules and guidelines for Lookup transformation

When you configure a Lookup transformation, adhere to the following guidelines:
  • You cannot configure dynamic lookup cache and persistent cache.
  • You cannot configure the advanced lookup properties for connected and unconnected lookups.
  • Even if you select an advanced lookup property for a Lookup transformation, the Secure Agent ignores the advanced property. An error message does not appear in the logs.
  • If you add the ADDQUOTE option in the Unload command for an Amazon Redshift lookup, you must also add the QUOTE option as
    in the Copy command for the Amazon Redshift target.
  • If the source and target in a mapping point to Amazon S3 buckets in different regions, specify the
    attribute in the
    command to set the Amazon S3 bucket for target in the same region as Amazon S3 bucket for source.
  • If you configure the CSE-SMK encryption type for an Amazon Redshift source or lookup object, ensure that you specify a master symmetric key in the target properties.
  • You can only specify the
    operator in a completely parameterized lookup condition. If you specify the operators such as
    , and
    in a complex condition, the mapping fails.
  • When you configure a lookup for an Amazon S3 source, remove the FileName field from both the Amazon S3 source and lookup object. The FileName field is not applicable.

Connected lookups

Consider the following rules and guidelines for a connected Lookup transformation:
  • You must select the
    Multiple Matches
    property value as
    Return all rows
    in the connected lookup properties for
    SQL ELT optimization
    to work.
  • When an Amazon S3 location contains source files having the same prefix, for example,
    , the COPY command tries to load both the files to an Amazon Redshift target and the mapping might fail.

Unconnected lookups

Consider the following rules and guidelines for an unconnected Lookup transformation:
  • You must select the
    Multiple Matches
    property value as
    Report error
    in the unconnected lookup properties for
    SQL ELT optimization
    to work. However, when multiple matches are encountered in the lookup table, the Secure Agent does not report an error. Hence, ensure that multiple matches are not encountered in the lookup table.
  • If you select the
    Return Any
    property, the mapping task runs without
    SQL ELT optimization
  • You cannot use operators for unconnected lookups in a lookup expression. Use an additional expression transformation to include the operator.
  • When you use the same column names in the source and unconnected lookup tables, and enable full
    SQL ELT optimization
    , the mapping fails with a duplicate column error. To run the mapping successfully, rename the incoming fields using a prefix or postfix and use the fields in the lookup expression.


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