Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Marketo V3 Connector
  3. Connections for Marketo
  4. Marketo sources and targets
  5. Synchronization Tasks with Marketo
  6. Mappings and Mapping tasks with Marketo
  7. Troubleshooting
  8. Data type reference
  9. Marketo activity type reference

Marketo V3 Connector

Marketo V3 Connector

Extracting Lead Data by Program ID

Extracting Lead Data by Program ID

You can retrieve leads from a Marketo program. You must provide the program ID to retrieve leads from that program.
Configure the following properties in the advanced source properties in a
task or
task for a lead object:
  • Lead - Program ID
    . Specify the program ID for which you want to extract the leads.
  • General - Results Batch Size
    . Specify the number for records you want to retrieve in a single REST call. The maximum limit is 300.
When you specify the program ID and you map the program ID in the task, you retrieve the following fields of the lead by default: progressionStatus, stream, nurtureCadence, isExhausted, acquiredBy, reachedSuccess, reachedSuccessDate, and membershipDate.


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