Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Marketo V3 Connector
  3. Connections for Marketo
  4. Marketo sources and targets
  5. Synchronization Tasks with Marketo
  6. Mappings and Mapping tasks with Marketo
  7. Troubleshooting
  8. Data type reference
  9. Marketo activity type reference

Marketo V3 Connector

Marketo V3 Connector

Remove Lead from List

Remove Lead from List

You can choose RemoveLeadFromList as the target object in a
task when you want to remove a specific lead from a static list. When you configure a task to remove a lead from the list, you can use only the delete operation. When you run the task, the REST API removes that lead from the list in Marketo.
Before you remove a lead from a list, ensure that both the lead that you want to remove and the list exists in Marketo. When you select a list in Marketo, the list ID appears in the URL for that static list.
The following source file is a sample .csv file that you can use to remove leads from a list:
Listid, id
1111, 2
The Marketo API removes the lead with ID 2 from the list that contains ID 1111.


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