Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Customer 360
  3. Before You Install
  4. Installing MDM - Customer 360
  5. After You Install
  6. Business Processes for Customer Management
  7. Customizing Customer 360
  8. Upgrading Customer 360
  9. Troubleshooting

Extracting the Customer 360 Application Archive File

Extracting the Customer 360 Application Archive File

You receive the Customer 360 application as an archive file. Create the following directory structure and extract the contents of the
Customer 360
archive file into it:
<MDM Installation Directory>/app/tcr
The extracted content contains the following files and folders:
  • bin/
    . Contains installation, upgrade, and database schema validation utilities.
  • bpm/
    . Contains the ActiveVOS default business process in a deployable format.
    • InfaCustomer360Workflow.bpr
      . Contains the default business process for the data model based on the Party table.
    • pre_c360_10.2_hf2/
      . Directory that contains the default business processes for the data model based on the Party Role table.
  • cleanse/
    . Contains custom Java cleanse functions.
  • config/
    . Contains configuration properties files.
  • data/
    . Contains the scripts for inserting lookup or reference data.
  • datamodelmigration/
    . Contains the scripts and the change lists required to migrate from the data model based on the Party Role table to the data model based on the Party table.
  • docs/
    . Contains the data dictionary.
    • C360_102HF2_DataDictionary_en.pdf
      . Data dictionary for the data model based on the Party table.
    • pre_c360_10.2_hf2
      . Directory that contains the data dictionary for the data model based on the Party Role table.
  • hub/
    . Contains the subdirectories that contain the database schema and the configuration files to deploy.
    • cocs-config-xml/
      . Contains configuration files for the business entities and business entity services.
    • entity360config-xml/
      . Contains copies of the Entity 360 component instance definitions that ship with
      Multidomain MDM
    • change-xml
      . Contains the MDM Hub metadata including components, such as landing tables, lookup tables, staging tables, base objects, and match and merge rules, cleanse functions, component instances, business entities, and business entity services.
  • idd/
    . Contains IDD application archive to support Hierarchy Manager interface.
  • lib/
    . Directory for the external libraries. Copy the JDBC driver files for your database to the
  • lookuplocalization/
    . Contains the localized lookup data.
  • notices/
    . Contains the legal copyright file.
  • reporting/
    . Contains the data mart service, the chart configurations, the Highcharts editor, and the Highcharts projects.
    • datamart/
      . Contains the database service and the chart configurations. The
      directory contains the data mart service for the data model based on the Party Role table.
    • highcharts-editor/
      . Contains the Highcharts editor and the Highcharts projects.
  • resources/
    . Contains the resource
    files for each of the supported locales.
  • upgrade/
    . Contains the supporting files for the upgrade utility.
  • user_exit/
    . Contains the MDM Hub user exit archive.
  • customer360view-ear.ear
    . Files for the
    Customer 360
    user interface.
  • Customer360.war
    . File that contains the Task Manager, My Records, Timeline, File Import, Charts, and Linkage-related services for the data model based on the Party table.
  • provisioning-ear.ear
    . File for the Provisioning tool user interface.


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