Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Informatica IDQ Cleanse Engine
  4. Informatica Address Verification Cleanse Engine
  5. FirstLogic Direct Cleanse Engine
  6. Trillium Director Cleanse Engine
  7. SAP Data Services XI Cleanse Engine
  8. Troubleshooting

Configuring Informatica MDM Hub to Use the Adapter

In order to integrate FirstLogic Direct with Informatica MDM Hub, you must configure Informatica MDM Hub for the adapter.
All parameters are set during the Process Server installation. and can be modified inside
t file. This file is located in the following directory:
  • Windows:
  • UNIX:
When the parameters are set, Informatica MDM Hub imports the project list and adds each transaction type as an Informatica MDM Hub cleanse function.
On every load of the library in the Hub Console or on every refresh of the FirstLogic DQXI SDK cleanse functions, the FirstLogicDirect Adapter:
  • Does a lookup to the FirstLogic Direct server.
  • Retrieves all transactional projects, with their input and output parameters.
  • Displays those projects as FirstLogic Direct functions in the Informatica MDM Hub cleanse tool.


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