Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Informatica IDQ Cleanse Engine
  4. Informatica Address Verification Cleanse Engine
  5. FirstLogic Direct Cleanse Engine
  6. Trillium Director Cleanse Engine
  7. SAP Data Services XI Cleanse Engine
  8. Troubleshooting


  • Web service invocations are synchronous only. Asynchronous invocations are not supported.
  • Web service invocations operate on a single record at a time. Batch processing of multiple records in a single service invocation is not supported.
  • The purpose of using the Web services is strictly to transform data that is passed in the request according to the associated cleanse function. Other types of Web services, such as publish/subscribe services, are not supported.
  • If the Web service returns an error, Informatica MDM Hub moves the record to the reject table and saves a description of the problem (including any error information returned from the Web service).
  • If the Web service is published on a remote system, the infrastructure must be in place for Informatica MDM Hub to connect to the Web service (such as a network that accesses the Internet).
  • When using cleanse functions that are implemented as Web services, run-time performance of Web service invocations depends on some factors that are external to Informatica MDM Hub, such as availability of the Web service, the time required for the Web service to process the request and return the response, and network speed.
  • You can run WSDL cleanse function with multi-threading. To enable this, change the thread count on the Informatica MDM Hub Process Server. Ensure that there is a sufficient number of instances of the SAP Web Service to handle the multiple Informatica MDM cleanse threads; otherwise, records might be rejected due to timeouts.
  • WSDL files must comply with the Axis2 Databinding Framework (ADB). Non-compliant WSDL files are not supported.
  • When you configure mappings, you must ensure that the inputs and outputs are appropriate for the Web service you are calling. The Mappings tool does not validate your inputs and outputs – this is done by the Web service instead. If you have invalid inputs or outputs, the Web service returns an error response and processed records are moved to the reject table with an explanation of the error.
  • The Cleanse Functions tool displays cleanse function parameters but nodocumentation, if specified, in the WSDL file (embedded <
    > or <
    > tags).


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