Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Services Integration Framework
  3. Setting Up the SIF SDK
  4. Request and Response Objects
  5. Transactions and Exception Handling
  6. ORS-Specific SIF API
  7. Asynchronous SIF Requests
  8. ORS-Specific JMS Event Messages
  9. Using Security Access Manager
  10. Using Dynamic Data Masking
  11. SIF API Reference
  12. Troubleshooting
  13. Appendix A: Identifiers
  14. Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions

Services Integration Framework Guide

Services Integration Framework Guide



GetBvt retrieves the best version of truth (BVT) from the specified package using a known key. The specified package must have a base object (BO) as its parent and the base object must be a link style BO instead of a merge style BO. This option can be configured in the schema manager of the Hub Console. The BVT is calculated on the set of records belonging to the same link group as the input record key.
You can configure GetBvt requests in all systems when using the Hub Console Audit Manager to audit requests made by external applications. Once auditing for a particular SIF API request is enabled, Informatica MDM Hub captures each SIF request invocation and response in the audit log. For more information, refer to the
Multidomain MDM Configuration Guide

State Management

You can include pending records in the BVT calculation if state management is enabled on the parent base object by adding setIncludePending(TRUE) to the request. For more information regarding how to enable state management, refer to the
Multidomain MDM Data Steward Guide
or the
Multidomain MDM Configuration Guide

Required Parameters

The following table lists and describes the parameters that are required by the GetBVT API:
Name and type of the package or base object to be queried.
Key to uniquely identify the record for which BVT must be retrieved.

Optional Parameters

The following table lists and describes the optional parameters that are used by the GetBVT API:
The date for which you must retrieve values of the base object.
EffectiveDate must be used only for timeline-enabled base objects.
The date for which you retrieve base object data that is effective at the specified point in time. If HistoryDate is equal to or earlier than HIST_CREATE_DATE, no records are returned.
For Oracle environments, milliseconds for the HistoryDate are truncated. If HistoryDate is later than HIST_CREATE_DATE by less than a second, no records are returned. If you have Daylight Saving Time (DST) enabled for the operating system and HistoryDate is later than HIST_CREATE_DATE by less than one hour during DST, no records are returned.
HistoryDate must be used only for timeline-enabled base objects.
If set to
, it includes pending records in BVT calculation. The default is

Use Case

The following is a common scenario for using the GetBVT request:
GetBVT used to retrieve the most relevant customer name
— A typical use of GetBVT is to retrieve the best version of truth of a customer's first and last name.

Usage Example

The following example gets the BVT for a record with ROWID_OBJECT key 21 from the package, ADDRESS_UPDATE_PKG:
GetBvtRequest getBvtRequest = new GetBvtRequest(); getBvtRequest.setSiperianObjectUid(SiperianObjectType.PACKAGE.makeUid("ADDRESS_UPDATE") ); RecordKey recordKey = new RecordKey(); recordKey.setRowid("21"); getBvtRequest.setRecordKey(recordKey); getBvtRequest.setIncludePending(false); GetBvtResponse getBvtResponse = sipClient.process (getBvtRequest);

Related SIF Requests


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