Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.4 HotFix 1
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| Description
| Name and type of base object or package that you need to use for previewing BVT.
| Keys of records for which you need to preview the BVT.
If you include multiple records in the record key list, the BVT of only the first record can be previewed.
| An SQL WHERE clause that can be applied to an XREF table. If you specify one record key for the RecordKeyList parameter, FilterClause is used to preview the effect of applying pending updates.
| Description
| The date for which values of the base object must be retrieved.
EffectiveDate must be used only for timeline-enabled base objects.
| The date for which you retrieve base object data that is effective at the specified point in time. If HistoryDate is equal to or earlier than HIST_CREATE_DATE, no records are returned.
For Oracle environments, milliseconds for HistoryDate are truncated. If HistoryDate is later than HIST_CREATE_DATE by less than a second, no records are returned. If you have Daylight Saving Time (DST) enabled for the operating system and HistoryDate is later than HIST_CREATE_DATE by less than one hour during DST, no records are returned.
HistoryDate must be used only for timeline-enabled base objects.
| Ensures that the record preview matches what a base object record would look like after the record is promoted.
If the approval tasks might have active and pending cross-reference records from the same source system, set the property to
true . Default is
false .
PreviewBvtRequest request = new PreviewBvtRequest (); request.setSiperianObjectUid(SiperianObjectType.PACKAGE.makeUid("C_PARTY")); ArrayList recordKeys = new ArrayList(); recordKeys.add(RecordKey.rowid("1")); recordKeys.add(RecordKey.rowid("2")); recordKeys.add(RecordKey.rowid("3")); request.setRecordKeyList (recordKeys); PreviewBvtResponse response = (PreviewBvtResponse) sipClient.process(request);