Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.4 HotFix 1
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<urn:filterParameter> <urn:stringValue>Peter</urn:stringValue> </urn:filterParameter>
<urn:orsId></urn:orsId> <urn:siperianObjectUid>BASE_OBJECT.C_PARTY</urn:siperianObjectUid> <urn:filterCriteria>C_PARTY.FIRST_NAME = ?</urn:filterCriteria> <urn:filterParameter> <urn:stringValue>John</urn:stringValue> </urn:filterParameter> <urn:effectiveDate>2014-03-17T20:06:00.000</urn:effectiveDate>
| Description
| Name and type of package, base object, XREF table, XREF history table, history table, or merge history table that you need to query.
| Sets the limit to the number of records that the SaerchQuery API must retrieve.
| SQL clause to filter search results for the columns of the package that is queried.
Use the FilterCriteria parameter to specify the literal expressions (FIRST_NAME = 'JOHN') or use it in combination with FilterParameter.
| Specifies the parameter values to filter as a list.
| Description
| The date for which you must retrieve values of the base object.
Use EffectiveDate only for timeline-enabled base objects.
| The date for which you retrieve base object data that is effective at the specified point in time. If HistoryDate is equal to or earlier than HIST_CREATE_DATE, SearchQuery does not return any records.
For Oracle environments, SearchQuery truncates milliseconds for HistoryDate.
In the following situations, SearchQuery does not return any records:
Use HistoryDate only for timeline-enabled base objects.
| If set to
true , it disables the paging mechanism and you can retrieve multiple pages of data. Set the parameter set to
true for queries that return a predictable number of rows. Use
GetSearchResults to fetch subsequent pages of search results.
| Specifies the Hub state indicator to use for filtering the search result.
| Specifies a list of UIDs to join with SiperiaObjectUID.
| If set to
true , SearchQuery removes duplicates from the result set. Enable the parameter when there is a possibility of duplicates in the result set. The default is
false .
| If set to
true , the advanced mode of search query processing is enabled. The default is
false . When AdvancedMode is
true , you can use FilterCriteria with the advanced operators EXISTS and COUNT. However, when AdvancedMode is
true , you cannot use these operators in sortCriteria.
| If set to
true , SearchQuery returns results without waiting for pending updates to commit. If set to
false , SearchQuery does not return results until all pending data changes are committed. The default is
false .
| Description
| Converts the WHERE clause and any parameter of the query to uppercase before you run the request.
All the data in the package in the request must be in uppercase.
| Converts the WHERE clause and any parameter of the query to lowercase before you run the request.
| Query does not require case conversions before you run the request.
The case of data in the package that is in the request does not matter.
SearchQueryRequest request = new SearchQueryRequest(); request.setRecordsToReturn(5); request.setSiperianObjectUid("PACKAGE.PARTY_ADDRESS_READ_PKG"); request.setFilterCriteria("PARTY_FULL_NAME LIKE ?"); ArrayList params = new ArrayList(2); params.add(new Parameter("WAGNER%")); request.setFilterParameter(params); SearchQueryResponse response = (SearchQueryResponse) sipClient.process(request);