Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Supplier 360
  3. Getting Started
  4. Adding Records
  5. Finding Records
  6. Approving Supplier Records
  7. Editing Records
  8. Managing Suppliers
  9. Communicating with Suppliers
  10. Creating Supplier Profiles on the Supplier Portal

Managing Queries

Managing Queries

After you save queries, you might want to modify a query or delete a query that you do not need.
To manage queries, you can perform the following tasks:
  • Edit a saved query.
  • Delete a saved query.
  • Save an existing query as a new query.
The extended queries use match rule sets. If an MDM administrator edits or deletes a match rule set from the Hub Console, the related queries are deleted from the
Data Director


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