Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Supplier 360
  3. Getting Started
  4. Adding Records
  5. Finding Records
  6. Approving Supplier Records
  7. Editing Records
  8. Managing Suppliers
  9. Communicating with Suppliers
  10. Creating Supplier Profiles on the Supplier Portal

Charts and Graphs

Charts and Graphs

Charts and graphs on the Home page contain enterprise-level information about all approved suppliers. You can view a visual representation of the suppliers and related information. Use the charts to monitor overall product coverage, performance, and compliance.
Your administrator can add or remove charts from the Home page. All managers share the same Home page, so you might want to coordinate with other managers before requesting changes.
The following table lists the charts that you can see in the Home page of Supplier 360:
Supplier by Category Main
Displays the number of suppliers that offer similar products or services based on categories. To see the breakdown of a category, double-click the category.
Supplier by Region Metrics
Displays a color-coded map that reflects the number of suppliers by region. You can filter this data by all suppliers and by portal users.
Source System Metrics
Displays the percentage of supplier data that comes from each source system; for example, ERP. If the supplier registers from the supplier portal or if the supplier data is added in Supplier 360, then the source system is SYS0.
Supplier by Onboarding Duration
Displays how long it took to qualify suppliers.
MDM Subject Area Growth Trends
Displays the number of suppliers added in each year.
Document by Expiry Date Monthly
Displays the number of suppliers with expiring certificates or insurance for the selected range.
Tasks in Total
Displays the total number of tasks and breaks down the tasks by priority.
To see more information about a chart, pause on a chart element to display a tooltip. For example, in the Supplier By Region Metrics map, you can see the number of suppliers in the region in the tooltip.


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