Supplier 360
- Supplier 360 10.5 HotFix 2
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| Property
| Description
| --app-header-bottom-border-color
| Modifies the color of the bottom border of the header. Default is
#ff800e . For example, set the property to
#F0F8FF for
AliceBlue .
| --app-nav-item--selected-leftbar-color
| Changes the color of the vertical orange line on the left side of the selected tab. Default is
#ff800e .
| --app-call--to-action--background-color
| Changes the background color of action buttons. For example, Save button. Default is
#70be44 .
| Alters the text color of action buttons. Default is
#fff .
| |
| Changes the hover background color of action buttons. Default is
#d4edb1 .
| |
| Modifies the hover text color of action buttons. Default is
#fff .
| |
| --app-nav-item-background-color
| Changes the background color of unselected tabs. Default is
#ddd .
| Modifies the text color of unselected tabs. Default is
#000 .
| |
| --app-nav-item-selected-background-color
| Changes the background color of selected tabs. Default is
#fff .
| Changes the text color of selected tabs. Default is
#000 .
| |
| --app-secondary-button--text-color
| Changes the text color of secondary buttons. Default is
#000 .
| Changes the background color of secondary buttons. Default is
#ddd .
| |
| Modifies the border color of secondary buttons. Default is
#4996f3 .
| |
| Modifies the hover text color of secondary buttons. Default is
#000 .
| |
| Modifies the hover border color of secondary buttons. Default is
#9c9c9c .
| |
| Changes the hover background color of secondary buttons. Default is
#ddd .
| |
| --app-primary-button--background-color
| Changes the background color of primary buttons. Default is
#0d66d0 .
| Modifies the border color of primary buttons. Default is
#0a4fc7 .
| |
| Modifies the text color of primary buttons. Default is
#fff .
| |
| Modifies the hover text color of primary buttons. Default is
#fff .
| |
| Modifies the hover border color of primary buttons. Default is transparent.
| |
| Changes the hover background color of primary buttons. Default is
#0d66d0 .
| |
| --app-dropdown-item--background-color
| Changes the background color of the dropdown menu item. Default is
#fff .
| Modifies the text color of the dropdown menu item. Default is
#000 .
| |
| --app-dropdown-item--hover-background-color
| Changes the hover background color of the dropdown menu item. Default is
#f5fafe .
| Modifies the hover text color of the dropdown menu item. Default is
#000 .
| |
| Changes the hover border color of the dropdown menu item. Default is
#e3f1ff .