Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Supplier 360
  3. Getting Started
  4. Adding Records
  5. Working with Draft Records
  6. Finding Records
  7. Editing Records
  8. Managing Record Versions
  9. Importing Bulk Data
  10. Reviewing a Supplier
  11. Reviewing Multiple Suppliers
  12. Managing Suppliers
  13. Communicating with Suppliers
  14. Investigating Relationships
  15. Creating Supplier Profiles on the Supplier Portal

File Import Summary Report

File Import Summary Report

When you import data and relationships into
Supplier 360
, the import operation generates a summary report. In the navigation bar, click
My Jobs
to view the list of imported files.
The following image shows the My Jobs page with the list of imported files:
  1. File Name
  2. Start Date
  3. End Date
  4. Job Type
  5. Status
  6. Results
You can expand the file to view results of the imported file.
The following image shows a sample import summary report:
The following table describes the elements of the Results field:
Total number of records imported.
Number of imported records persisted without errors.
Load Errors
Number of rejected records not imported due to load errors.
Parsing Errors
Number of rejected records not imported due to parsing errors.
The import operation writes rejected records to an Excel or CSV file. You can download rejected records, update the records with the correct data and re-import the corrected records.


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