Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Overview, Downloading, and Installing
  3. Administration API
  4. Identity Service API
  5. Screenflow Programming and SDK
  6. ActiveVOS WSHT API
  7. Embedding Request Forms in Standalone Web Pages
  8. XML-JSON for Process Central

APIs, SDKs, and Services

APIs, SDKs, and Services

Creating Human Tasks for Use with Samples

Creating Human Tasks for Use with Samples

In order to use the samples described in this document, you will need to create some tasks on the Process Server. The samples uses a bare-bones version of the Loan Approval process that is shipped with the Process Developer. The BPEL process that implements this simplified Loan Approval process is located in
This process must be deployed to the server by using the BPR file located at
This process simply takes a
(using the l
schema) element as the create message and passes it onto a human task. The SOAP message looks like:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:loan=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <loan:loanProcessRequest> <loan:loanType>Automobile</loan:loanType> <loan:firstName>John</loan:firstName> <loan:lastName>Smith</loan:lastName> <loan:dayPhone>2039299400</loan:dayPhone> <loan:nightPhone>2035551212</loan:nightPhone> <loan:socialSecurityNumber>123-45-6789</loan:socialSecurityNumber> <loan:amountRequested>15000</loan:amountRequested> <loan:loanDescription>Application to finance the purchase of a Toyota Prius</loan:loanDescription> <loan:otherInfo>Down payment is US$7500</loan:otherInfo> <loan:responseEmail></loan:responseEmail> </loan:loanProcessRequest> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Before running any of the examples, you should create one or more tasks by sending the create messages to the humantaskdemo's service endpoint located at
. You can send these messages using two methods:  SOAP-UI or a REST based web form.


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