Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Overview, Downloading, and Installing
  3. Administration API
  4. Identity Service API
  5. Screenflow Programming and SDK
  6. ActiveVOS WSHT API
  7. Embedding Request Forms in Standalone Web Pages
  8. XML-JSON for Process Central

APIs, SDKs, and Services

APIs, SDKs, and Services

Guide Embedding and the Forms Viewer

Guide Embedding and the Forms Viewer

Embedding a guide into your application involves adding an HTML IFrame with the source attribute set to the URL for your guide. The guide URL will include query string arguments that allow for the hosting application to provide additional parameters about the current guide user, the object the guide will execute upon, and even the hosting application itself.
The URL for the guide runtime is:
http://localhost:8080/activevos-central/avc/formviewer/ project:/com.activevos.socrates.central/web/viewer.html
You should replace replace
and port 8080 with those used by your servert
You can add query string parameters to this URL. For example the following adds the
parameter that names the location of a published guide whose location is
The full URL will look like:
http://localhost/activevos-central/avc/formviewer/project: /com.activevos.socrates.central/web/ viewer.html?avsf_sflow_uri=project: /sf.Custom_Guide/Custom_Guide.xml
You can add additional query string arguments to ensure that users can only have one running instance of a guide for an object and to provide context about the hosting application.
Here is a description of all query string parameters that the viewer application uses:
  • avsf_sflow_uri
    : The URL-encoded value of guide's published contribution URI, as was shown in the example.
  • correlationId
    : An optional correlation ID for the guide. The ID is a value the application developer provides. It can have any unique string value. If you do not specify one, the server will create and use one. For example, Cloud Extend (an implementation that runs within Salesforce) uses the following formula:
    correlationId = Salesforce org ID + object id
    (for example, an account)
    + guide ID
    (or name)
    After a guide is launched, you can reuse this correlation ID (since it can be recalculated) to select the same guide instance when the user reloads or revisits the web page.
  • host-ObjectType
    : The host entity type such as an account or contact.
  • host-ObjectId
    : The object (for example, an account or a contact) ID or a primary key.
  • host-UserId
    : The currently logged in username. In Process Server, you can use the JavaScript


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