Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Process Console Introduction
  3. Home
  4. Monitor
  5. Catalog, Reports, and Custom Faults
  6. Admin

Administration Console

Administration Console

Contribution Detail

Contribution Detail

The Contribution Detail page displays a selected contribution version. You can change the state of the contribution or delete the contribution.
A Contribution Detail page with information about the contribution version, deployed processes, and contributed resources
Setting the State to Offline or Online
If the contribution state is online, it is the current version, and you can select
Set to Offline
. If there are other contribution versions, the next higher or lower version is set to online. If process instances are running against the BPEL files in the contribution, the contribution is set to Offline Pending. When all process instances complete, the state changes to Offline.
If the contribution state is offline, select
Set to Online
. The contribution’s files become the current version. If any BPEL was deployed with an online (effective) date, the process state is online pending.
Note that the state of BPEL processes within a contribution is the same as the state of the contribution itself, but you can individually select a BPEL process from an online contribution and change its state. For example, if three processes are included in an online contribution, you can take one, two, or all three processes offline.
Deleting a Contribution
to remove the entire unit of files from the catalog. If running processes exist, the contribution goes to the offline pending state until the processes complete.
When you delete a contribution, the following events occur:
  • All files in the contribution are deleted.
  • The deployment log is deleted.
  • All completed active processes attached to the contribution are deleted.
Contribution Detail Information
The information within this page is grouped into sections, and these are described in the following list:
  • Contribution Detail
    Each contribution is assigned a deployment Id. The name, state, version, and group details are the same as shown on the Contributions list page. A Description is available if it was provided during the BPR export in Process Developer.
  • Deployed Processes
    List of BPEL files deployed, if any, and their current state. .
  • Contributed Resources
    List of files deployed in the contribution. Examples of these files are WSDL, schema, HTML, XSL, XML, CSS, images, i18N properties files, Process Central files, event documents, Java jars, and report definitions. The version is the updated version associated with this contribution.
    WSDL and schema are always updated when they are deployed, even if identical to an earlier version. Other resource only have their version numbers incremented if their content has changed.
    When you click on one of these links, Process Server displays its source, if possible. For example, it may display XML or HTML.
  • Exported Namespaces
    Namespaces exposed by a resource in the contribution for use by other contributions.
  • Imported Namespaces
    Namespaces from other contributions that this contribution is dependent on, if any. Note that if this contribution depends on another contribution, delete this contribution first.
  • Deployment Log
    Link to the deployment log for this contribution.

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