You can test user and group configurations for an Identity service in the following ways:
Select a user for testing
Write a test query
The Test tab is the same for JDBC and LDAP.
After selecting this tab, the following is displayed:
Selecting a user for testing
In the Test tab, enter a user name listed in your Identity service, and select
Test Settings
. This test ensures that the Identity service is set up correctly. If the test fails, the error messages try to suggest how to correct the configuration settings.
Writing a test query
The Process Server Identity search model allows identity queries to be made using the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language. SPARQL is a standard language, well-suited to query identity resources. The Process Server use of SPARQL includes preconfiguring most of the required parts of the query. You need only to add a FILTER keyword to test the user and group attributes you added on the Users and Groups tabs of the Identity Service configuration page.
By writing the FILTER clause of a SPARQL expression, you can test the results of required and optional attributes. The default FILTER clause in the Test Query box is:
FILTER($userName="[FILL IN NAME]")
. Replace the text between the quotes with a user name and select Test Query.