Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica Address Verification
  3. Informatica Address Verification Interface
  4. Informatica Address Verification Request Parameters
  5. Informatica Address Verification Response Elements
  6. Examples

Developer Guide

Developer Guide

Moved and Deceased Resident Checks in Validated Output

Moved and Deceased Resident Checks in Validated Output

The postal authorities in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland maintain lists of recent address changes in their respective countries. The lists indicate if the resident that the postal authorities recognize for an address recently moved to another address or if the resident is deceased. The Address Verification reference databases include the change of address data. If your address records for Austria, Germany, or Switzerland contain contact information, you can use Address Verification to return the address status with the address result.
To return the address status, use the NCOA enrichment type. The enrichment type takes the form NCOA_XXX, where XXX is the three-letter ISO Code for the country. When you set the type, use the
attribute to query the list of changed addresses, or deceased residents, or both. To request information about changed addresses, set the
attribute to MOVED. To request information about deceased residents, set the
attribute to DECEASED. You can include MOVED and DECEASED in a single attribute.
The following fragment shows the XML elements from a request about changed addresses and deceased residents in Switzerland:
<enrichments> <Enrichment> <Type>NCOA_CHE</Type> <PayloadXml>MOVED,DECEASED</PayloadXml> </Enrichment> </enrichments>
The following fragment shows the XML elements from a response that indicates a change of resident at an address in Switzerland:
<Enrichment> <Type>NCOA_CHE</Type> <PayloadXml><NCOA_CHE><Status>EMC1</Status><Message>MOVED</Message></NCOA_CHE>></PayloadXml> </Enrichment>
The following table describes the status information that the response can include for each address:
Address Verification did not request any NCOA information for the address because the address did not return a Vx or Cx process status.
Address Verification did not find a match for the address in the lists of changed addresses or addresses of deceased residents.
Address Verification found a match for the address in the list of recently changed addresses.
Address Verification found a match for the address in the list of recently deceased residents.


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