Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica Address Verification
  3. Informatica Address Verification Interface
  4. Informatica Address Verification Request Parameters
  5. Informatica Address Verification Response Elements
  6. Examples

Developer Guide

Developer Guide

Data Enhancements for United States Addresses (5.14.0)

Data Enhancements for United States Addresses (5.14.0)

Informatica Address Verification
introduces the following features and enhancements for the United States:
Improved Recognition of Contact Data
Address Verification
can recognize contact information that appears on the same address line as the street information.
Non-Delivery Days
Address Verification
can identify Non-Delivery Days (NDD) addresses when you verify addresses in certified mode. NDD addresses do not receive mail on one or more days of the week.
To identify NDD addresses, Address Verification introduces the
field. The
field contains a seven-digit string that represents the days of the week from Sunday through Saturday. Each position in the string represents a different day.
Address Verification returns the first letter of a weekday in the corresponding position in the
field if the address does not receive mail on that day. Address Verification returns a dash symbol in the corresponding position otherwise.
For example, consider the following address:
5705 Commander Dr 38002
Address Verification returns an NDD value of
, which indicates that the business does not receive mail on Sunday, Friday, and Saturday.
NoStat Reason Address Code
Address Verification
can provide additional information on why an address fails delivery point validation. Address Verification returns the information as a numeric code in the
When an address does not yield a positive DPV result, Address Verification returns a value of Y in the
field. The
field contains values in the range 1 through 5 that indicate the reason for the Y result.
The following table describes the codes that Address Verification can return in the
Internal Drop Address. The verified address does not physically receive mail. Instead, the USPS delivers mail to a 'drop' address associated with the verified address.
The address identifies a new construction that cannot yet accept delivery. Or, the address lies on a Rural Route, Highway Contract Route, or Contract Delivery Service route and the delivery point is unoccupied for more than 90 days.
The address does not DPV confirm.
The address is in a college, military, or other zone. A CMZ address is a ZIP+4 address that the USPS has added to the reference data.
Regular No-Stat
The address is no longer deliverable or lies on an R777 route, Or, the address includes a Post Office Box that has never been rented or is not available to rent.
Throwback Indicator
Address Verification
can identify Throwback addresses when you verify addresses in certified mode. A Throwback address is a valid street address for which the USPS forwards mail to a Post Office Box. Address Verification populates the
field to indicate the Throwback status of the address.
field can contain Y or N or the field can be empty. Address Verification returns Y in the
field for a Throwback address and returns N otherwise.
New Military Address Values
Address Verification
can validate United States addresses that include the following abbreviations, which relate to military addresses:
  • Unit Mail Room (UMR)
  • Official Mail Center (OMC)
New DPV Footnote for Trailing Alpha
Address Verification
can identify an address that represents a valid delivery point but to which the sender has added an unrecognized trailing character in the house number field. If the address can yield a valid delivery point without the trailing alpha character, Address Verification adds the value TA as a DPV footnote.
For example,
Address Verification
might return a DPV footnote value of AAN1TA for a high-rise address and a DPV footnote value of AACCTA for a street address.
Informatica added the features in Address Verification (On-Premises) 5.14.0.


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