A Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) identification number is a five-digit number that identifies an urban area with a population greater than 10,000. A CBSA can be a Metropolitan Statistical Area or Micropolitan Statistical Area. A Metropolitan Statistical Area has over 50,000 inhabitants. A Micropolitan Statistical Area has between 10,000 and 50,000 inhabitants.
A 12-digit number that identifies a Census Block Group. A Census Block Group is a group of Census Blocks that share the same first digit. The first digit in the Census Block number is the last digit in the 12-digit Census Block Group number.
A four-digit number that identifies a Census Block. A Census Block is the smallest entity for which the Census Bureau collects census information.
A six-digit number that identifies a Census Tract. A Census Tract is a statistical subdivision of a county.
If the engine cannot return a census tract number for an address to house number-level precision, it returns the census tract number to street-level precision.
A Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) identification number is a four-digit number. A PMSA becomes a CMSA if local opinion favors the designation.
A three-digit number that identifies a county in the United States.
The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) include a set of numbers that identify states, counties, and other territorial possessions in the United States. A two-digit state code identifies each state. A three-digit county code identifies a county within a state. Together, the five digits of the state and county codes uniquely identify a county.
A finance number is a six-digit number that the United States Postal Service (USPS) assigns to post offices and other postal facilities to support the collection of cost and statistical data. The first two digits of the finance number identify the state. The final four digits identify the post office or postal facility.
A Minor Civil Division (MCD) identification number is a five-digit number. An MCD is a primary legal subdivision of a county.
The Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) identification number is a five-digit number that identifies an urban area that has a population of 50,000 or more.
A five-digit number that identifies a locality in the United States.
A Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) identification number is a four-digit number. If a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) reaches a size of one million inhabitants, the United States Office of Management and Budget specifies two or more PMSAs for the area.
A single-character code that describes the type of mailbox or delivery. For example, the code can indicate if the address is in a high-rise building (H) or a post office box (P).
A two-digit number that identifies a state in the United States.
A one- to three-character numeric value that indicates the offset between the address time zone and Greenwich Mean Time. For example, the time zone code for Eastern Standard Time is -5.
A three-character code that identifies the time zone to which the address belongs. For example, EST identifies Eastern Standard Time.