| JDBC Connection
| Native Connection
Single data object column profile
| Supported
| Supported
Single data object data domain discovery
| Supported
| Supported
Single data object profile with primary key discovery
| Not supported
| Not supported
Single data object profile with functional dependency discovery
| Not supported
| Not supported
Profile with
Sample first <number> rows sampling
| Supported
| Supported
Profile with
Random sample <number> rows sampling
| Supported
| Supported
Scorecard metrics and value cost
| Not supported
| Supported
Enterprise discovery profile with primary key and foreign key discovery
| Not supported
| Not supported
Enterprise discovery profile with join analysis and overlap discovery
| Not supported
| Not supported
Drill down on inferred values and value frequencies
| Supported
| Supported
Export profile results
| Supported
| Supported
Row count mapping*
| Not supported
| Supported
*Profiling runs Row Count Mapping when the stats helper fails to report the row count.