Data Engineering Integration
- Data Engineering Integration 10.4.1
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print("Using partitions to find the employee with the highest salary") outputmap = {}
DepartmentID_out = DepartmentID print("Processing rows for department ID " + str(DepartmentID_out)) outputmap.setdefault(DepartmentID, None) updateMax = False if outputmap.get(DepartmentID, None) is None: updateMax = True else: max_salary = outputmap[DepartmentID]['SalaryIndex'] if max_salary is None: updateMax = True if SalaryIndex > max_salary: updateMax = True if updateMax == True: employee_data = {'SalaryIndex':SalaryIndex,'EmployeeName':EmployeeName, 'EmployeeSince':EmployeeSince,'DepartmentName':DepartmentName} outputmap[DepartmentID] = employee_data
for x in outputmap: DepartmentID_out = x smap = outputmap[x] SalaryIndex_out = smap["SalaryIndex"] EmployeeName_out = smap["EmployeeName"] DepartmentName_out = smap["DepartmentName"] EmployeeSince_out = smap["EmployeeSince"] ## Generate the output row generateRow()