B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.2.2
- All Products
| Description
Object Type
| Type of the object on which the operator performed the action, such as
partner or account .
Object Name
| Name of the object on which the operator performed the action.
Action Date
| Date in which the operator performed the action.
If the action required approval, the audit trail displays the audit record after the operator approved the action with the date of approval.
User Name
| Name of the operator that performed the action.
Action Type
| Type of the action, such as
Create or
Delete .
| Description
| Object area in which the operator performed the action, such as
Details .
Field Name
| Name of the field on which the operator performed the action.
Current Value
| Value of the field before the operator action.
This property is not available if the operator created an object.
New Value
| Value of the field after the operator performed the action.