Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Document Processing
  3. Operation Console
  4. Partners and Profiles
  5. On-Boarding Checklists
  6. Managed File Transfer Web Users
  7. Managed File Transfer Connections
  8. Endpoints
  9. Events
  10. Event Monitors
  11. Reconciliations
  12. Event Resubmission
  13. Audit and Authorization
  14. Advanced Exception Handling
  15. Dashboard and Reports
  16. Service Level Agreement Management
  17. Glossary

Partner Promotion

Partner Promotion

Partner promotion enables you to export one or more partners and their related entities from one environment to another. For example, you can promote partners from development to test or from test to production. Partner promotion consists of exporting partners from the source environment and importing them into the target environment.
After you create and test a partner and its associated entities in the test environment you can flag it as "Ready to be promoted" on the Update Partner screen. You can later search for all the partners that you marked and export them all at once.
The partner export process creates a file of partners to be exported as well as partners and entities associated with the partners. The following associated entities are exported with the partners:
  • Accounts
  • Profiles
  • Endpoints
  • Monitors
  • Workflows
The export file contains partners that are related to the exported partners. A related partner is a partner that is connected to an exported partner thorough a monitor that executes a profile that refers to the related partner. The following figure illustrates the connection between an exported partner and a related partner:
In addition to associated entities and related partners, the export process transparently exports some additional entities that are required by the imported partners to function properly. These entities are:
  • Applications
  • Event attributes
  • Categories
  • Partner and Account custom attributes
  • Schedules
  • Calendars
  • Event Statuses
  • Event Types
When importing a partner file, the import process may discover that a conflict exists between an entity in the import file one with the same identity in the target environment. B2B Data Exchange provides you with several choices to deal with conflicts:
  • Import and replace – the entity from the file is imported and replaces the entity in the target environment.
  • Don't import – the entity from the import file is skipped.
  • Abort the import – the import process is aborted.


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