event types and event statuses for message processing events.
Default Event Types
B2B Data Exchange
processes messages, it assigns the following event types to message processing events:
Custom Event. Indicates a predefined custom event.
File Level Event. Indicates an event generated at the start of the processing. This is the parent event for all other events generated during the course of processing the document.
Group Level Event. Indicates an event associated with groups included in a document.
Segment Level Event. Indicates an event associated with segments included in a document.
System Event. Indicates an event generated by the
B2B Data Exchange
server for system notifications.
Transaction Level Event. Indicates an event associated with transactions included in a document.
Default Event Statuses
For message processing events,
B2B Data Exchange
assigns the following event statuses:
Complete. Assigned when the event completes processing. Child events might, however, still be processing. Message reconciliation can be completed later.
Pending. Assigned while the event waits to be processed. The event is assigned this status from the moment it is created until the status changes.
Error. Assigned when the event processing produces an error.
Critical. Assigned when the event processing produces a critical error.
Reprocessed. Assigned when the event is processed again.
Warning. Can be assigned when the event processing produces specific problematic states.
New. This event type is not currently used.
Rejected. Assigned when the message was rejected.
Transferring. Assigned while the message is transferred from
B2B Data Exchange
to an outbound endpoint. After the transfer is finished,
B2B Data Exchange
changes the event type to Complete or Error depending on the result.
Delayed. Assigned if message processing is delayed due to processing rules, if message processing waits for a processing rule to release the message, or if message processing waits for a manual release.
Discarded. Assigned when the event is delayed and then discarded due to a processing rule, or discarded manually.
Aggregated Statuses
An Aggregated status indicates the overall state of message processing. When an event has child events, for example when a file contains several transactions, the aggregated status indicates the status of all the child events.
B2B Data Exchange
assigns the following aggregated statuses:
Delayed: Assigned if message processing is delayed due to processing rules, or if message processing waits for a processing rule to release the message, or if message processing waits to be manually released.
Error: Assigned when the event processing produces an error.
Final: Assigned when the event processing finalizes.
In Process: Assigned while the event is processing.