Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Document Processing
  3. Operation Console
  4. Partners and Profiles
  5. On-Boarding Checklists
  6. Managed File Transfer Web Users
  7. Managed File Transfer Connections
  8. Endpoints
  9. Events
  10. Event Monitors
  11. Reconciliations
  12. Event Resubmission
  13. Audit and Authorization
  14. Advanced Exception Handling
  15. Dashboard and Reports
  16. Service Level Agreement Management
  17. Glossary

Monitoring the Status of On-boarding Checklists

Monitoring the Status of On-boarding Checklists

The On-boarding Checklists screen (Partner Management > Onboarding), that shows the in-process checklists, displays the following status information:
  • Overview (top of the screen)
  • Checklist Status (left side of the screen)
  • Checklist Progress (right side of the screen)
The Overview area contains the following status fields:
Not started
The number of checklists that were created but processing has not yet started.
In process
The number of checklists have started but are not yet complete.
The number of checklists that are flagged.
The number of checklists that are overdue (current date > due date).
Progress bar
Red = overdue. Yellow = flagged. Green = in process. The length of the bars indicate the ratio between the overdue, flagged and in progress checklists.
The checklist status column contains three icons showing the status of the checklists:
Green Circle
In process
Red Circle
White circle
Not started
If a task is overdue, the due date is displayed in red.
The Progress column shows the proportion of checklists by status. The light green bar indicates the number of tasks that are in progress, the dark green bar the number of completed tasks, and the grey bar the number of tasks not yet started.


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