CI/CD, or continuous integration and continuous delivery, is a practice that automates the integration and delivery operations in a CI/CD pipeline. You can automate each integration and delivery operation using the Data Integration Service REST API or the infacmd command line programs.
A CI/CD pipeline includes the integration operations that developers use to design objects and the delivery operations that deliver the objects to the production environment. You can use the REST API or infacmd to automate integration and delivery in the following ways:
Deploy and test every change that a developer makes to an object. Developers receive instant feedback about whether objects pass or fail testing and the types of changes that objects require.
Deliver objects that pass testing to the production environment. Based on organizational requirements, you can deliver objects to additional requirements, such as QA and UAT, before delivering the objects to the production environment.
Continuous integration and continuous delivery are fully logged and visible to the entire team so that team members can allocate time away from manual tasks.