- PowerCenter 10.4.0
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infacmd createConnection -dn DomainName -un Domain_UserName -pd Domain_Pwd -cn Connection_Name -cid Connection_ID -ct SALESFORCE -o userName=salesforceUserName password=salesforcePWD SERVICE_URL=https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/42.0
pmcmd createConnection -s Salesforce -n ConnectionName -u -p -l CodePage -k ConnectionType=OAuth RefreshToken=salesforceRefreshToken ConsumerKey=salesforceConsumerKey ConsumerSecret= salesforceConsumerSecret Service_URL=https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/42.0
pmcmd createConnection -s Salesforce -n ConnectionName -u salesforceUserName -p salesforcePWD -l CodePage -k ConnectionType=Standard Service_URL=https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/42.0
| Description
| Salesforce username.
| Password for the Salesforce user name. The password is case sensitive.
To access Salesforce outside the trusted network of your organization, you must append a security token to your password to log in to the API or a desktop client.
Refresh Token
| For OAuth Salesforce connection. The Refresh Token of Salesforce generated using the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
Consumer Key
| For OAuth Salesforce connection. The Consumer Key obtained from Salesforce, required to generate the Refresh Token. For more information about how to generate the Consumer Key, see the Salesforce documentation.
Consumer Secret
| For OAuth Salesforce connection. The Consumer Secret obtained from Salesforce, required to generate the Refresh Token. For more information about how to generate the Consumer Secret, see the Salesforce documentation.
Connection Type
| Select the Standard or OAuth Salesforce connection.
Service URL
| URL of the Salesforce service that you want to access. In a test or development environment, you might want to access the Salesforce Sandbox testing environment. For more information about the Salesforce Sandbox, see the Salesforce documentation.