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pmrep massupdate -t <session_property_type (session_property, session_config_property, transformation_instance_attribute, session_instance_runtime_option)> -n <session_property_name> -v <session_property_value> [-w <transformation_type>] {-i <persistent_input_file> | -f <folder_name> } [-o <condition_operator (equal, unequal, less, greater)>] [-l <condition_value>] [-g <update_session_instance_flag>] [-m <test_mode>] [-u <output_log_file_name>]
| Argument
| Description
| session_property_type
| Required. Session property type to update. Session properties are of the following types:
| session_property_name
| Required. Name of the attribute or property to update.
| session_property_value
| Required. Value that you want to assign to the property followed by a semicolon.
For example, to assign a value to the property, use the following syntax:
-v "IgnoreNULLInExpressionComparison=Yes;"
Enclose the session property value in double quotes.
| transformation_type
| Required if you update a transformation instance attribute. Transformation type to update. You can update the following transformation types: aggregator, joiner, lookup procedure, rank, sorter, source definition, and target definition.
| persistent_input_file
| Required if you do not use the -f option. Name of the file that contains the selected list of sessions to update. You can use the
pmrep ExecuteQuery command to run a query and generate this file. MassUpdate returns an error if you specify an object that is not a session. You must use the -i option or the -f option, but not both.
| folder_name
| Required if you do not use the -i option. Name of the folder. Use to update all sessions in a folder. You must use the -i option or the -f option, but not both.
| condition_operator
| Required if you use condition_value. Part of the condition that defines the session set.
The attribute of a session or session instance is updated when the condition is met.
You can use the following condition operators to update a string: equal or unequal.
You can use the following condition operators to update an integer: equal, unequal, less, or greater.
| condition_value
| Required if you use a condition operator. Part of the condition. The condition appears as follows:
<session_property_value> <condition operator> <condition_value>
| update_session_instance_flag
| Required if you update a session instance run-time option.
Optional for the following session property types: session property, session configuration attribute, and transformation instance attribute.
Updates session instances.
You can update an attribute in a session instance if the session instance overrides the attribute.
| test_mode
| Optional. Runs MassUpdate in test mode. View sessions that will be impacted by the command before you commit changes. You can see the following details in the command line window:
| output_log_file_name
| Optional. Name of the log file that stores the status of the update and basic information about the sessions or session instances. Previous attribute values are also written to this file. If you do not use this option, the details appear in the command line window.